CoMetGeNe overview
What is CoMetGeNe?
CoMetGeNe (Conserved Metabolic and Genomic Neighborhoods) is an exploration tool for conserved organizational motifs at both the metabolic and genomic level:
- In a first step named trail finding, CoMetGeNe detects chains of metabolic reactions for a given species that are catalyzed by products of neighboring genes.
- In a second (and optional) step named trail grouping, CoMetGeNe compares trail finding results for several species in order to identify conserved metabolic and genomic patterns. This step allows to answer specific questions such as Which genes involved in the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan are neighbors in the bacterial species in my data set? or more general questions such as Which reactions are generally performed by enzymes encoded by neighboring genes?
What type of data does CoMetGeNe handle?
CoMetGeNe automatically retrieves metabolic pathway maps and genomic information for the species of your choice from the KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) knowledge base. CoMetGeNe usage is as simple as telling it on which query species to run. In order to do so, one simply determines the three- or four-letters KEGG code for the target organism from the KEGG catalog of complete genomes.